Don't let the end of this event stop your practice. Continue practicing problems and learn more algorithms and tricks to become a pro competitive programmer.
- You can start with trying out the problems you couldn't solve or try during these 12 days at this link. (Recommended)
- The DSA Learning Series by Codechef is an excellent place to sharpen up your DSA skills. Here is the link. (Recommended)
- Try out the 21 Day Challenge by GeeksforGeeks here.
- If you are good at writing technical content, then check out the WriteFromHome Challenge by GeeksforGeeks here.
- If you like one v/s one challenges, check out the CodeArena of Hackerearth. It is a very fun way to practice and learn by solving problems while competing with someone else one on one. Who solves the question first wins. Now thats cool.
- Codechef April Long Challenge is coming up. One of the best upcoming contests to show-off the skills you just acquired. (Recommended)
- Project Euler of Hackerrank is an excellent source for practicing different types of problems.
- Keep participating in contests on Codeforces, Codechef, AtCoderand other platforms. (Recommended)